发布时间:2025-01-31 09:44:54
buy the old version one
the one which have vacuum glass is the best to keep warm ask ur parents or older ppl
they'll know that becase the new one did not have vacuum to keep away from thr outer atmosphere~ it'll be cooled down no longer if u buy the one with vacuum glass inside
u will find that rice will keep as hot as the first moment u put them in
大多数保温壸靠其内胆真空隔层保温,在夏天没问题但冬天时就显出差效果,但可以将的饭煮软(软饭米粒之间空位少难散热)一的试吓,或的𩠌计多的好𩠌饭无咁难下咽。 小贴士:除咗用热水浸吓个壸外重可以用旧牛仔裤裤脚煎出一段做成饭壸袋可保暖耐的。
通常水银胆的保温瓶比较好, 日本仔那些抽真空的不锈钢排第二,好处是不易打破, 大陆那些发泡胶胆的最差,保温力二个钟, 如果想保温力好些,试下装多些饭,有作用的,质量多储藏能量亦多! 或者改用铁饭盒,电带个小电卢返公司,要食就放个饭盒上去热几分钟咪仲好!