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发布时间:2025-01-30 18:52:52

基于这一点,开发了这款学生公寓管理软件。So, this student apartment management software was developed. 在学校校园的杰基学生公寓学习室。At the school campus Jackie Student Apartment Learning Room. 留学生应住宿在学校的留学生公寓。Foreign students should live in the school's foreign student apartment. 学生公寓仅有三翼,高度达到八层。Only three wings of the student apartments rise to the eighth floor. 标准层中设有办公室、会议室和学生公寓。The standard floor contains offices, conference rooms, and student apartments. 这部分公寓构成了大学生公寓市场的主力军。These apartments are part of the main force in the college dormitory market. 在新时期下,大学生公寓文化面临挑战。Under the new era, college dormitory culture is facing challenges. 他们住在学生公寓里。They live in dormitories. 管理学生公寓的老师。Teacher in charge of the dormitory. 高校学生公寓是大学生重要的生活和学习场所。University student apartments are important places for students to live and study. 在她以前住过的学生公寓里,大家都各自照顾自己。In the student flats she had lived before, everyone looked after themselves. 大运村留学生公寓正常使用互联网的必备条件有哪些?What are the essential conditions for normal Internet use in Dayuncun International Student Dormitory? 我已经和学校签订了住宿合同,住在学校的学生公寓里。I have signed a housing contract with the university and will live in the dormitory on campus. 我是在春节前的1月份一个晚上到达的,被安排在勺园外国学生公寓。I arrived one evening in January, just before the Spring Festival, and was arranged to stay at Shaoyuan Foreign Student Apartment. 在学生公寓里担任居民助理是帮助承担教育费用的一种方法。Working as a resident assistant in the student dormitory is one way to help cover educational expenses. 班主任和辅导员与学生同住学生公寓,实现24小时督导。Teachers and counselors live in the dormitory with students, providing 24-hour supervision. 本文最后部分提出了如何创造学生公寓绿色声环境的相应对策。The last part of this article proposes corresponding measures for creating a green sound environment in student apartments. 留学生公寓除了没有公共厨房,其他设施与国际交流中心相同。Apart from the absence of a public kitchen, the facilities in the international student apartment are the same as those in the international exchange center. 目前该系统运行稳定可靠,实现了学生公寓用电的智能化控制和管理。The system currently operates stably and reliably, achieving intelligent control and management of electricity usage in student apartments. 信风航空拥有舒适的学生公寓,并配备专业的健身房、网球场和游泳池等设施。Trade Winds Aviation offers comfortable student apartments, equipped with professional gyms, tennis courts, and swimming pools. 本文以西安地区高校学生公寓为研究对象,重点分析了学生公寓室内热环境。This paper takes the student dormitories in the Xi'an area as the research object and focuses on the indoor thermal environment of student apartments. 留学生可在国际学生公寓一楼大厅会见来客,不得擅自将来客带入宿舍房间内。Foreign students can meet guests in the first-floor lobby of the international student apartment and are not allowed to bring guests into their dormitory rooms without permission. 在她的流行的两层式学生公寓中,很难相信娄静与其妈妈是全国关注的话题。In her modest two-story student apartment, it's hard to believe Lou Jing and her mother are a national concern. 在伦敦东部Spitalfields区新建的nido大楼,是伦敦市最高的学生公寓。The newly built Nido building in Spitalfields, London, is the tallest student accommodation in the city. 外国留学生公寓是外国留学生生活学习的重要场所。为规范管理,特制定本规定。The foreign student apartment is an important place for foreign students to live and study. To standardize management, this regulation is formulated. 介绍基于AD 7755芯片的学生公寓电能计量管理系统的硬件构成和软件设计。An introduction to the hardware composition and software design of the electricity power measurement and management system for student apartments based on the AD7755 chip. 她将放弃王宫的奢华生活,入住一周155美元的学生公寓,王室保镖还是会寸步不离。She will give up the luxurious life in the palace to live in a student apartment for $155 a week, but the royal bodyguards will still be inseparable. 在勒阿弗尔你可以很容易的找到一个住处,因为我们和三个大学生公寓有着合作关系。You can easily find a place to stay in Le Havre because we have a partnership with three student residences.

